Calling out little willie

May 3, 2018
This clown geezer/bigot/hypocrite willie tried to call me out for playing with monopoly money. I'm calling that coward lowlife out. 500.00 by both of us to be sent to Hacheman. I prove that I have over 6,600 in my book and have wager 4 digits of REAL money and I keep the 1000 from Hacheman. Hacheman has to be convinced 110% for me to win the wager.

Let's go little willie. In the real world you can't just sprout off nonsense and walk away. Here on the internet I guess clown lowlifes like you can get away with it but I'm still calling you out.

It's either a yes or a no. Not a no with excuses. Let's go lil willie.


Sep 20, 2017
Bigot lol. Go answer my question in the black qb thread and stop avoiding it. Sounds like you are projecting

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
This clown geezer/bigot/hypocrite willie tried to call me out for playing with monopoly money. I'm calling that coward lowlife out. 500.00 by both of us to be sent to Hacheman. I prove that I have over 6,600 in my book and have wager 4 digits of REAL money and I keep the 1000 from Hacheman. Hacheman has to be convinced 110% for me to win the wager.

Let's go little willie. In the real world you can't just sprout off nonsense and walk away. Here on the internet I guess clown lowlifes like you can get away with it but I'm still calling you out.

It's either a yes or a no. Not a no with excuses. Let's go lil willie.


Haha, the asshole looking for attention. Not even sure what he's talking about since I ignore 99% of his posts. Had to read this one, since it was obviously about me. If I said you posted a fake dollar amount sometime somewhere, I'll gladly back up those specific words. As for what's in your account today, never once thought about it. I don't even think about you to be honest, but I'm evidently occupying a lot of space in your small head.

Calling me out, haha. All the biggest assholes around here don;t like me much. I wear their hate like a badge of honor.
May 3, 2018
Bigot lol. Go answer my question in the black qb thread and stop avoiding it. Sounds like you are projecting

Not relevant here but sure I'll go answer it. I don't always go back looking at where I've posted to see who replied and what. Lol. If I'm not that interested I won't go back to the thread but sure, post the link and I'll reply. No harm no foul. If you've made a good point I'll acknowledge it. I'm not like these extremist rightys that would rather go down in their ignorant sinking ships than admit they are wrong.

No problem. I'll reply. I like a good discussion with OBJECTIVE and SENSIBLE people.
May 3, 2018
Haha, the asshole looking for attention. Not even sure what he's talking about since I ignore 99% of his posts. Had to read this one, since it was obviously about me. If I said you posted a fake dollar amount sometime somewhere, I'll gladly back up those specific words. As for what's in your account today, never once thought about it. I don't even think about you to be honest, but I'm evidently occupying a lot of space in your small head.

Calling me out, haha. All the biggest assholes around here don;t like me much. I wear their hate like a badge of honor.

Lol. And you aren't looking for attention or a ''fight'' when you post nonsense about monopoly money? Lol. You asked for it and now that you got called out you are talking your usual deflecting nonsense. Coward lowlife hypocrite that you are.

You don't think about me? Lol. More lies. You constantly post about my posts or go to my threads more than I do yours. In fact I pretty much don't know who you are or know that you exist until you come into MY threads or comment on MY posts. You just got owned again.

The most comical part is that I already predicted you would come back with some crap and avoid the wager.

It's quite simple little willie, you made a comment about me playing with monopoly money..I called you out for a wager. $500.00. I prove that I have not been playing with monopoly money and wagering significant amounts for my duration on this site, beyond a reasonable doubt and to Hacheman's satisfaction and I keep the 1000.00 in total.

Either it's a yes or a no. Don't come at me with excuses or nonsense.

Lol. You don't think about me. Our post history recently shows you think about me way more than I think about you.

I'm sure you wear it like a badge of honor. Shameless losers like you usually do. It's not hate. I have to give a shit to hate somebody. You are just an insignificant clown and irrelevant. You're a coward and a lowlife hypocrite.

You're also not very intelligent and the worst kind of stupid, the kind that believes he's smart.

You've been exposed. If you had any sense you wouldn't have replied but of course idiots do what they do.

It's a yes or no. I'll give you another chance lil willie.
May 3, 2018
Haha, the asshole looking for attention. Not even sure what he's talking about since I ignore 99% of his posts. Had to read this one, since it was obviously about me. If I said you posted a fake dollar amount sometime somewhere, I'll gladly back up those specific words. As for what's in your account today, never once thought about it. I don't even think about you to be honest, but I'm evidently occupying a lot of space in your small head.

Calling me out, haha. All the biggest assholes around here don;t like me much. I wear their hate like a badge of honor.

I see you've responded to my threads in the politics forum yet I basically forgot that you existed and don't give 2 shits about you until you post in my thread or about my posts. So who doesn't know who exists? Lol.

You keep getting owned lil willie. Stop humiliating yourself. Is it a yes or no? It's a simple answer. The more you deflect as usual the more you humiliate yourself.
May 3, 2018
Sigh... Where do these ass-clowns come from?

Talking about yourself or lil willie. Zit, willie's lil extremist right friend...big surprise he comes here to make this idiotic post. Lol. You're the ''ass-clown'; zitface, you and you're hypocritical, bigoted, immoral and not very christian ways.

You handful of extremist righty moronic lowlifes are so predictable. Lol.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Somebody let me know if he says something credible that I should address or consider. There's a reason I don'r read his posts, because interacting with him kills brain cells.

The likelihood of him say something credible is not very good either
May 3, 2018
Somebody let me know if he says something credible that I should address or consider. There's a reason I don'r read his posts, because interacting with him kills brain cells.

The likelihood of him say something credible is not very good either

Lol don't deflect to other people. Quit searching for a way out and stop making excuses. You're the only one that hasn't said anything credible. Lol.

The moron wants us to believe he isn't reading my posts. Riiiight. We weren't born yesterday.

You're the only one that hasn't said anything credible. It's either a yes or a no or admit you were wrong about the monopoly bets and talking out of your ass as usual. It's quite simple.

But I bet you've never been the bigger man ONCE in your whole life huh lil willie....?

New member
Mar 2, 2017
This clown geezer/bigot/hypocrite willie tried to call me out for playing with monopoly money. I'm calling that coward lowlife out. 500.00 by both of us to be sent to Hacheman. I prove that I have over 6,600 in my book and have wager 4 digits of REAL money and I keep the 1000 from Hacheman. Hacheman has to be convinced 110% for me to win the wager.

Let's go little willie. In the real world you can't just sprout off nonsense and walk away. Here on the internet I guess clown lowlifes like you can get away with it but I'm still calling you out.

It's either a yes or a no. Not a no with excuses. Let's go lil willie.


Not sure why you feel the need to pick a fight with a 13 year, well respected veteran. If I was Willie, I would ignore your rude comments. You seem to have a vendetta that goes back longer than your 5 months in here.

From what I have seen, he is a good dude and you sir appear to be a pot stirrer
May 3, 2018
The clown lil willie called me out for monopoly bets and I called him out right back. Only difference is, now that the ball is in his court he wants to take the ball and go home. ''my mommy's calling me for dinner'' ''it's raining'' ''you're a cheater'' I've heard it from lil boys like you growing up, they were always so predictable and weak minded just like you. No shame and no pride either. Unwilling to just admit they were wrong and move on. Always have to compound the humiliation for themselves by making excuses and not owning it.

I'm sure your kids are the same. It's in the genes. Be a man for once in your life. Either own it, you spoke out of your ass about the monopoly money and perhaps to your astonishment or not, you got called out. Either that or accept the wager. It's only $500 bucks. Let's go.

Deep down you know you're wrong and wish you never made that comment. Turns out it's not monopoly money is it lil willie?

And it's such a trivial matter! Lol. All you have to do is admit you got called out and were wrong. you ran your mouth off and got owned. That's it.

Or bet me...$500.00. These are very simple options. You want to go around trolling people and have no problem making snide, idiotic remarks in their threads but now you want to avoid or have other people read my posts for you? Lol. Can't make this up.

''Somebody let me know if he says something credible
'' LOL. All of a sudden when owned he forgot how to read and has to ask other people to read for him lol. Playing games all of a sudden.
May 3, 2018
Not sure why you feel the need to pick a fight with a 13 year, well respected veteran. If I was Willie, I would ignore your rude comments. You seem to have a vendetta that goes back longer than your 5 months in here.

From what I have seen, he is a good dude and you sir appear to be a pot stirrer

Hmm, vendetta? Who's been trolling who first? Especially recently? Be informed before you post clueless remarks.

I don't care if he's a veteran too. I served, maybe not as long as him but do you think I give 2 shits about him having served? I am judging him based on his bigoted shameless lowlife behavior on here.

Either be informed or stay out of it. I didn't pick the fight...he made a comment about me betting monopoly money and I simply called him out. So who's picking a fight and who is being a pot stirrer? In fact, I wasn't even conversing with him or even remembered he existed until he made that post about monopoly money.

You care to think before you post? Or at least be informed? From what you've seen huh? Clearly you haven't seen enough. Also, your judgement means very little to me. 37 posts..What are you a ghost of lil willie or one of these extremist rightys? Seems suspicious...Oops, now I'm talking about ghosts just like the extremist rightys.

Come on guys, enough of the nonsense. Lil willie just accept the wager or admit you spoke out of your ass, I called you out and you got owned. Who cares? Let's move on and end this. Let's go. It's absurd.

Be a man for once in your pathetic life.

New member
Mar 2, 2017
Hmm, vendetta? Who's been trolling who first? Especially recently? Be informed before you post clueless remarks.

I don't care if he's a veteran too. I served, maybe not as long as him but do you think I give 2 shits about him having served? I am judging him based on his bigoted shameless lowlife behavior on here.

Either be informed or stay out of it. I didn't pick the fight...he made a comment about me betting monopoly money and I simply called him out. So who's picking a fight and who is being a pot stirrer? In fact, I wasn't even conversing with him or even remembered he existed until he made that post about monopoly money.

You care to think before you post? Or at least be informed? From what you've seen huh? Clearly you haven't seen enough. Also, your judgement means very little to me. 37 posts..What are you a ghost of lil willie or one of these extremist rightys? Seems suspicious...Oops, now I'm talking about ghosts just like the extremist rightys.

Come on guys, enough of the nonsense. Lil willie just accept the wager or admit you spoke out of your ass, I called you out and you got owned. Who cares? Let's move on and end this. Let's go. It's absurd.

Be a man for once in your pathetic life.

You are fighting a battle that you cannot win
Jan 17, 2007
bringing this to the offshore is a no no ...

unless you want a vacation, I suggest you stop here and now
May 3, 2018
Lol. I see he is going to avoid and deflect or ask his lil friends zitface to speak for him. Or perhaps he's imploring Mods to have this thread removed or moved. So predictable.

All he has to do is accept or admit he spoke out of his ass and was wrong about the monopoly money wagers. Anything else is just pure bullshit. Nothing new for him of course.

I'll check back after work in a few hours. This is absurd that a grown man can't admit he was wrong and spoke out of turn. I've been a man and admitted when I was wrong about certain topics related to sports from time to time and the discussion/argument ended abruptly and calmly. That's what being a man is about. But willie doesn't know anything about that.

This is preposterous behavior. Yet he will deflect to me and say I'm acting crazy. That's what manipulating hypocrites do. Perhaps I am provoking and being immature yet he started it and he can end it quickly but refuses to. He'd rather play games and try to manipulate or confuse the issue.

It's just so simple and he wants to complicate it. I've learned and admitted where I was wrong with a couple posters on sports related topics and we quickly moved on. Yet willie, this guy who is probably 2 decades older than me can't be a man about it and just admit he spoke out of his ass without thinking and was wrong. Got owned. Yet he wants to compound it by dodging and making excuses and attacking me. Lol.

Yeah..he's got at least a decade on me if not 2. I see what a little man he is. It's easy to run your mouth off about monopoly money and I usually laugh it off or ignore it because what do I care what people on the internet thinks? Yet this one time to fuck with him I called him out and willing to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and to Hacheman's 110% satisfaction before I keep the $1000 and all of a sudden he has nothing to say?

For the guys saying I'm a shit disturber..he came to me in my thread and made this comment first. We weren't even going at it or talking before that. He just can't help himself. Now he's got his little extremist righty friends coming here posting about me being the petty one and shit disturbing when, as usual, they started it just can't end it.

And that's what these extremist righty, delusional clown lowlifes do, they provoke you and annoy you and make snide remarks hoping you act out so they can't point fingers at you and say look! He's crazy! Lol. It's very diabolical and sinister. Very manipulative.

Well lil got what you asked for. But I want an answer dude. I'll check after work before I hit the gym and then the clubs. So if I don't reply tonight don't assume I'm running. The wager stands. $500.00 cash each to Hacheman and he has to 110% convinced of my proof or you win the $1000.

Either that or admit you were wrong and ran your mouth off and got owned about the monopoly money. Then it ends and I swear I will never post in this thread again.

Let's go old man. I'm tough as nails. You have to have balls of steel to come at me. You with your old, shriveled, no blood flowing in your veins anymore sorry ass should've stayed in your lane...

That's all for the melodrama for now folks! Tty in a bit. Let's see what excuses lil willie makes or how is little minions defend him...but it's all manipulative bullshit unless he accepts the wager or admits he spoke out of his ass about the monopoly money.


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